Gaia Romani

Born in Milan on April 28, 1996, she is Councillor for Civic Services, Participation and Transparency, Decentralization Policies of the City of Milan.

Her passion for politics began in school with her involvement in student organizations. At the age of sixteen she joined the Democratic Party, where she began militancy within the Young Democrats community. In the process, she enriched her educational and cultural background with several study abroad experiences, including a path for the Leaders for Social Change program at Yale University in 2011.

After graduating from high school, she became a councilwoman in City Hall 8 in 2016, where she chaired the Social Policies Commission, with delegations on youth policies, equal opportunities, social and health services, and associationism. It was an experience that gave her a closer insight into the functioning of institutions and citizen services.

After touching on how important it is to implement women's political participation, she co-founded Onde Rosa, a collective of young people under 30 fighting gender inequality. In 2018, she is among the initiators of the petition "STOP TAMPON TAX! The cycle is not a luxury," signed by more than 600,000 people, calling for the lowering of VAT from 22 percent to 4 percent on feminine hygiene products.

As a practicing labor consultant, after graduating from the State University with a law degree, in October 2021 she ran for the Milan local elections with the program Generazione Milano, written by 500 girls and boys. The third most voted woman in Milan, she is currently the youngest councillor of Giunta Sala.


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