We live in a world where radical processes of de-humanization are shaping our realities and imaginaries. A world imbued by challenges and conflicts, which are increasingly layered, intersectional and interdependent. We are in need of a new beginning, of new processes of re-connection, re-humanisation and solidarity. We are in need of new spaces which are not only safe and protected, but also caring and humanizing.

Duemila30 is a cultural space that moves from the recognition of creativity as a powerful tool for the creation of new opportunities for understanding, compassion, and empathy. Duemila30 is a global space, where competing and conflicting cultural contexts are represented and can potentially become major sources of tension. We begin with the understanding that it is through our actions that we define and shape the spaces we inhabit and create, as individuals, in community.

Duemila30 is a co-created space, crafted by all the individuals that decide to become part of it, with awareness and accountability. It’s a space in which we are creating a shared sense of meanings, participatively and interactively. We are building a community of common grounds that recognises art as a catalyst for positive change; one that is radical, collective and effective. We are crafting new practices that instead of violence and war can sustain a new culture of peace.

In doing so, we move from these unquestionable and non-negotiable universal assumptions:

  • All individuals are equal in dignity and rights,

  • We all adhere to the values of non-violence, interdependence, human rights, social interest, sustainability, justice, equality, diversity and participation,

  • We refuse any dimension of power and oppression,

  • We reject physical, verbal and psychological violence and work together for the creation of a safe space for everyone,

  • Conflict is natural but in need of management and control,

  • We embrace plurality and we are committed to safeguard it by rejecting isolation and any practice that separates and opposes.

By joining Duemila30 we all agree to its objectives and shared goals and we all commit ourselves to become active members of the community, creating a space which is safe and protected for the process of re-humanization to happen. The creation of a caring space necessitates the active participation of each and every one of us, not only theoretically, but with active and precise behaviors. Therefore:

  • We take perspective by putting ourselves in the place of the other side, and try to understand and experience its feelings and claims. We listen to understand instead of listen to respond;

  • We welcome vulnerability and we understand that our own process of constructing reality is cultural and subjective and might therefore not be shared by our companions. We share parts of our story so that the complexity of who we are frames the context of our comments; 

  • We accept the sense of fear and discomfort that comes with the questioning of our system of beliefs and codes. We do the very thing that makes us nervous. We let fear propel us, to move in the direction of change and growth;

  • We attend to the vocabulary of emotions, using words such as: absolve, acceptance, apology, exonerate, forgiveness, healing, heart, images, meaning, memories, pain, pardon, reconciliation, regret, remorse, repentance, self, sorrow, and trauma.

  • We examine our intentions when engaging with others, taking time and embracing risks, to make sure they are aligned towards the achievement of new relationships rather than on prevarication and power.

  • We are mindful, we slow down and pause before reacting. We recognise that communication is interactive, and entails a continuous process of monitoring and adjustment of our words and actions.

  • We think critically, opening ourselves to the possibility that our thoughts might be limited. We don’t take critique as a personal attack, but we see it as a way to expand our way of thinking.

Such practices are the building blocks of Duemila30 and are non-negotiable nor debatable. Although the responsibility for achieving the above goals is shared and depends on the active effort of each of us, as organizers we reserve the right to turn away anyone who does not respect those common boundaries.