Paola Dubini

Paola Dubini is Management professor at Università Bocconi, and coordinator of the advocacy group “Culture for sustainable development” ASviS. Her research and professional interests focus on the conditions of economic viability of cultural organizations, private, public and no profit, and on culture led policies according to  UN SDGs 2030. She sits in the board of several cultural organizations Her most recent publications include  Dubini “Con la cultura non si mangia. Falso!” Laterza 2018.  Bertoni, Dubini. Monti “Participatory Event Platforms in the Urban Context: The Importance of Stakeholders’ Meaning of “Participation” in De Martini et al “Cultural Initiatives  for Sustainable Development” Springer 2021; Dubini, P., & Monti, A. (2022). Essere luoghi di comunità. L’importanza del fan club per le biblioteche. In: (a cura di) Faggiolani C., Geografie culturali - Le biblioteche nel “Sistema del benessere”. Uno sguardo nuovo, p. 91-114, Roma, Editrice Bibliografica.   P. Dubini, & Monti, A. (2022). An Exploratory Study of State-Owned Museum Performance in Italy: The Interplay between Director’s Characteristics and Board Diversity. In Jung, Yuha, Neville Vakharia, and Marilena Vecco (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Arts and Cultural Management OUP.


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