Enfer Libyen

Directed by Loïc Piaux

Taken from a true story, Neba, a young Cameroonian is forced to leave his country because of the war, so he takes the dangerous path to Europe. After multiple adventures, he arrives in Libya and learns that the smuggler he was traveling with had sold him into slavery. He is sent to a detention center with thousands of other people. Subjected to the worst torture by his executioners, he testifies to the situation and tells us what he experienced. This documentary takes up the testimony of this man and other survivors and reconstructs his story.

Director Statement:
This short film aims to raise awareness of the dire humanitarian situation in Libya, where human beings are still subjected to slavery in 2024, with complete impunity. In this period of turmoil, where Europe is increasingly vocal against immigration, it seems important to remember that we are discussing human beings whose only 'crime' has been to be born in a country ravaged by war.


Until mina


Jonna & Louis