Local Refugees

Directed by Shamsi Taghiyev

Decades after the brutal 1862 Sioux War, an entire region of North America wrestles with the legacy of violence. "Local Refugees" explores the fragile path to healing and reconciliation between the Dakota Nation and their European neighbors, forcing both sides to confront a painful past and build a future together through the real life stories of Minnesota communities.

Director Statement:
As a member of a refugee family displaced by the Karabakh conflict, I understand firsthand the lasting impact of war. This personal experience is what drew me to the story of the Dakota Nation and European settlers in Minnesota. 'Local Refugees' explores the often-overlooked human cost of historical conflict, where both sides grapple with the trauma of displacement. The film's title reflects this shared experience – both the Dakota and European descendants are ultimately local to the land, yet forced into a refugee status by the actions of war. By showcasing real-life efforts towards reconciliation, 'Local Refugees' transcends a historical record, becoming a call for empathy and understanding across communities divided by conflict.


Love To Work


El Último Macho