Journey of cooking

Directed by Qingyi (Echo) Sun

Thrilled by the prospect of fresh, delicious food, a robot couple relocates from a dystopian city to a vibrant forest. However, their excitement is dashed when they discover that all the food they've bought with their remaining money has gone mouldy. This leads to a culinary revelation.

Director Statement:
The film "Journey of Cooking" closely aligns with the theme "2030 - Our Future Through Cinema," focusing on sustainable living and respect for nature, which are key aspects of the UN's 17 Goals for Sustainable Development for 2030. The story follows a robot couple as they leave their heavily polluted lifestyle behind and embark on a new journey. Along the way, they transform spoiled ingredients into delightful new dishes, advocating for recycling and the use of clean energy, resonating with the goals of responsible consumption and sustainable energy use. Through its positive and optimistic depiction, the film encourages viewers to reflect on the importance of adapting to and respecting our natural environment, aiming to inspire a shift towards more sustainable lifestyles as envisioned for 2030.




Locus amoenus