Back to earth

Directed by Laura del Mar Hernández

When Mother Earth's heart begins to weaken she unveils the story of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. It is a place revered by the indigenous Kogui people as the 'Heart of the World’ and within these sacred lands, a profound connection emerges: an ancient, invisible line called Sezhiza that links all living beings with the planet. Originating from the heart of the world, Sezhiza holds the key to restoring balance on Earth. By recognizing this universal interconnectedness, humanity can unite to protect the heart of the world and restore harmony to Mother Earth.

Director Statement:
Back to Earth is a project that seeks to bring to light the cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. Honoring their wisdom as a crucial guide to redefining our connection with nature. By reconnecting with our cultural roots and recognizing the enduring presence of ancestral wisdom, despite the colonization history of the Americas, we can unite to revitalize the Earth. This short film serves as a beacon of hope, not only for those of us in Latin America shaped by the worldview of our ancestors but also for everyone who wishes to take action by remembering that the Earth is an inseparable part of our very being.


Absence of light


There once was a boy