The breath of the devil

Directed by Enrica Ermini

A story of anguish and violence with thriller-dramatic tones, in which the protagonist, Lucrezia, confronts a mysterious presence from which she will never be able to completely escape. Lucrezia, a rag doll, sees her existence deteriorate due to a single event. Through hallucinations, flashbacks, and nightmares, it tells the chilling story of not only the protagonist but of any woman. Investigating what happens in the mind and body after a strong trauma, pieces of life stories come together like a massive puzzle, lives that in reality may never have a chance to be put back together.

Director Statement:
"I wanted to try to simulate that invisible pain: the same sensation a person feels when a part of their body has been amputated. The victim continues to feel pain for something that is physically no longer there." Even the title reveals much of the narrative itself: "Il Respiro del Diavolo" is, in fact, the name often used for scopolamine, the so-called date rape drug commonly employed in most nightclub group rapes to incapacitate the victim.


Red meat


The law of waves