Unknown Friends

Directed by Daniel Hromyko

As Russia invades Ukraine, Vlada and Veronika try their best to protect their fathers, who are fighting on the frontline. Despite being separated by thousands of kilometres, each girl volunteers and supports other refugees in Austria. However, for both of them, the deadly realities of war are never far away. In a documentary about friendship and hope, 'Unknown Friends' is a testament to Ukrainians' shared will to survive.

Director Statement:
My film tells about war, which is still happening. It shows the period of first months of the invasion and how ordinary Ukrainian people were affected by it, who are far behind the front line. This documentary is about how people can become united. I want to show people what war might be, even if you are far away from it. And I think that for our future it is a very impactful example of how we all can stand together in front of great horror. I do believe that with spreading of that short film people can learn more about the importance of peace, struggles of war and the necessity of civil activism. We can shape our future only by being aware of our environment and actions towards it.


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