François Xavier DESTORS

The films of François-Xavier Destors question how to inhabit a world that is becoming more and more hostile. He started to work in Rwanda where he published his first book and directed his first film (Football Rwanda, Fields of Memories). He wrote and directed numerous historical documentary films for TV (Voices of Srebrenica, Paris, Capital History, 1968 – The Decade, Thiaroye 44, Mandela a symbol against apartheid, Invisibles...), as well as feature-length documentaries for cinema - Melting Souls, immersed in the forbidden city of Norilsk, one of the most polluted in the world; Didy, with Gaël Kamilindi in Rwanda andToxicily, lifting the veil on an ecocide at the gates of Europe in the petrochemical area of Augusta, Sicily.


Robert Hinterleitner


Anna Gudkova