
FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Marina Mussapi

Marina has a decade of expertise in strategic consultancy and project management within the cultural sector. Her journey has been marked by a commitment to cultivating creativity, fostering social impact, and driving change in cultural institutions.

Having collaborated with renowned consulting firms in Italy and internationally, Marina honed her skills in strategic and business planning, market analysis, feasibility studies, and economic and social impact assessments. Her work spanned diverse cultural realms, from museums and theatres to festivals and grassroots organizations. From 2016 to 2022, she worked as a project manager and program developer at BASE Milano, being in charge of institutional fundraising, and educational programs. In her current role as Strategy Implementation Manager at the Moleskine Foundation, she coordinates the Creativity Pioneers Fund, a collaborative philanthropic fund that supports and champions organizations that harness the power of creativity to drive meaningful social change.

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FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Chiara Bellosi

Chiara Bellosi , graduated in dramaturgy from the Civica Scuola d'Arte Drammatica “Paolo Grassi” in Milan. Made an episode within the choral film “Checosamanca” produced by Carlo Cresto-Dina for Eskimosa and Rai Cinema. Participates in the master's program “Filmmaker - the documentary as a look” organized by IED-Venice and shoots some documentaries. “Palazzo di Giustizia,” his first fiction feature, was presented in the Generation 14+ section of Berlinale 2020. “Calcinculo,” his second fiction film, is presented in the Panorama section at Berlinale 2022.

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FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Robert Hinterleitner

Robert Hinterleitner is an Austrian artist, curator and media pedagogue who has been promoting media education for young people in particular since 2013: through his work at the Crossing Europe Film Festival Linz, where he headed the youth section YAAAS! from 2018 to 2024, which offers film education and DIY video production. He is also active in initiatives such as the Youth Cinema Network and the Academy of Austrian Film's working group on media and film education. His artistic projects are mostly transmedial and conceptual, with a preference for installations and short films. He is currently working on his first feature film, which is about August Walla, an Austrian outsider artist and his delusions, which he expresses in a fantastic world of images.

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FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

François Xavier DESTORS

The films of François-Xavier Destors question how to inhabit a world that is becoming more and more hostile. He started to work in Rwanda where he published his first book and directed his first film (Football Rwanda, Fields of Memories). He wrote and directed numerous historical documentary films for TV (Voices of Srebrenica, Paris, Capital History, 1968 – The Decade, Thiaroye 44, Mandela a symbol against apartheid, Invisibles...), as well as feature-length documentaries for cinema - Melting Souls, immersed in the forbidden city of Norilsk, one of the most polluted in the world; Didy, with Gaël Kamilindi in Rwanda andToxicily, lifting the veil on an ecocide at the gates of Europe in the petrochemical area of Augusta, Sicily.

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FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Anna Gudkova

For almost 20 years of work, Gudkova has made dozens of feature films and series that have been shown in Cannes, Berlin and other world film festivals and markets. In parallel with her producers’ career, Anna established an international educational program for emerging filmmakers in CIS-countries with significant partners (TFL, BFI, Pop Up Residency etc). In 2022 Gudkova spoke against war and left Russia, and became a Head of the educational department of the Alternativa Film Project. In 2023 she organized the first Impact lab in Central Asia (in cooperation with Think Film Impact company and Movies that matter film festival). Participants of her training programs in 2024 have already been selected for a number of programs at the Berlin Film Festival (Tool box, CoProduction market and Berlinale talents).

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FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Mattia Iannantuoni

Content Creator at Ohga. Mattia is a documentary filmmaker with a background as a university researcher. He tells stories about climate, biodiversity and green development. For Ohga he creates content on news, insights and reflections regarding sustainability, with his signature fun and optimistic tone.

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FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Magali Agnes Huebers

Hello, I'm Magali, originally from Strasbourg, I'm at home in Berlin and currently working in Brussels. I'm half German - half French. When I meet new people, that's exactly how I introduce myself: half German - half French.

I have been active in European politics for more than 7 years: in youth associations on local level, in my main job but also through AVIA_Generation. I have the privilege of having two grandmothers with whom I have exchanged and discussed a lot. Behind AVIA are all my questions, interests and attempts to find meaning in the coexistence of a society.

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FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Tom Oliva

Tom is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of The All American High School Film Festival, the largest student film festival in the world. Tom has worked with young creatives for 25+ years, discovering, developing and connecting a vast network of talented young content creators and building a community of shared passions and lifelong relationships.

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FESTIVAL 2023, FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale FESTIVAL 2023, FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Cristina Savino

Member of the BoD of Fondazione Empatia Milano, pedagogue and lecturer and collaborator at the University of Milan Bicocca for the Department of Human Sciences for Education "Riccardo Massa." For 20 years she was involved in mental health projects and services at Cooperativa Lotta contro l'Emarginazione. Currently for several institutions she participates in the construction of individualised paths of social inclusion for people with fragility and in community development projects.

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FESTIVAL 2023, FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale FESTIVAL 2023, FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Daniele Aloisi

Daniele Aloisi works as a multimedia communication officer for the Red Cross of Milan and he is a consultant of the International Federation of Red Cross for communication activities and global campaigns on disaster risk reduction.

Since 2008, as a photographer and videomaker, he has been employed during major relief activities in response to natural disasters and other kinds of emergencies in Italy. He also coordinated a project for the promotion and communication of the humanitarian programmes of the Italian Red Cross in seven countries.

After a degree in Cinema and Media Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin, he attended a specific educational path at the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studie on communication and advocacy for humanitarian action, with a focus on the ethics of visual communication for NGOs and relief organisations.

For the Red Cross of Milan every day he is involved in the production of many kinds of content for different media, with the aim to promote positively the image of the Red Cross, to publicize projects and activities to potential beneficiaries and donors, and to spread positive messages among the community.

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FESTIVAL 2023, FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale FESTIVAL 2023, FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Priscilla Robledo

Since January 2023 co-artistic director of MiX International LGBTQ+ and Queer Culture Film Festival in Milan, she has been working for MiX since 2018 as programmer, international relations manager, sponsorship manager and producer; programmer for Immaginaria film festival; producer of documentaries (La Bufera, 2019; Le ali non sono in vendita, 2021). For the past 4 years she has been a member of the selection committee for the WIP competition/industry section of Zinegoak, a lgbtq film festival in Bilbao. When she is not involved in filmmaking, she works as a legal sustainability consultant.

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FESTIVAL 2023, FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale FESTIVAL 2023, FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Federica Verona

Architect, urban planner, dedicated to housing discomfort, social housing projects and processes of spreading culture as a social engine in housing and suburban contexts. She founded Super the festival of the suburbs, is a board member of the Workers Cooperative Consortium for which she animates, through Aps Noicoop, the common spaces of cooperative living. She observes the extraordinary small normalities of cities and from time to time writes about them for Repubblica Milano and here and there.

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