Daniele Aloisi

Daniele Aloisi works as a multimedia communication officer for the Red Cross of Milan and he is a consultant of the International Federation of Red Cross for communication activities and global campaigns on disaster risk reduction. 

Since 2008, as a photographer and videomaker, he has been employed during major relief activities in response to natural disasters and other kinds of emergencies in Italy. He also coordinated a project for the promotion and communication of the humanitarian programmes of the Italian Red Cross in seven countries. 

After a degree in Cinema and Media Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin, he attended a specific educational path at the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studie on communication and advocacy for humanitarian action, with a focus on the ethics of visual communication for NGOs and relief organisations.
For the Red Cross of Milan every day he is involved in the production of many kinds of content for different media, with the aim to promote positively the image of the Red Cross, to publicize projects and activities to potential beneficiaries and donors, and to spread positive messages among the community.


Luca Trivellone


Marco Tozzi