
Directed by Natalia Konovalova

The main character has problems with gambling addiction, he is faced with a choice: go to the clinic with his wife, or lose everything. At the clinic, he is immersed in a lucid dream, where artificial intelligence tries to cure him in an inhumane way. Time after time, returning to the game through the circles of hell, and without achieving victory, he conducts treatment. Artificial intelligence has completely freed him from gambling addiction and everything related to the game. After treatment, the couple comes back to the clinic for a new service, unaware that the main character is waiting for his wife to ask the doctor to subject her husband to another experiment, only now she will learn to play the piano again.

Director Statement:
The film tells us that in the future artificial intelligence is not just a GPT chat or a social network, pictures. This is a tool that will be introduced into our lives in such a way that it will open up new opportunities, but also deprive a person of real life experience. The film tells the story of a technology that is already being developed and can be used in our lives, but will a person be able to properly dispose of technologies and will they harm him? This is a question that I, as an author and director, am trying to find an answer to.


My Friend, David


Sociale Drug