Sociale Drug

Directed by Adam Klugkist

Xena deals drugs in a public bathroom of a technoclub, where she runs into old friends. Alice doesn’t drink, Xena constantly pressures him into drinking, his friend Amid doesn’t like Xena. Xena’s boss gives her the unethical task to spike someone in order to test a new drug. With no one volunteering to test it, she asks her old friends to take it, and when they reject it, they get into a heated fight. Alice is puking from last night’s dinner, which is the best opportunity to pressure him for his own ‘benefit’ or to spike him. She spikes him.

Director Statement:
Peer pressure is of course used in social setting, but it goes deeper than that, it’s used on a much larger scale than we’re aware of. With this film I wanted to individualize peer pressure that happens on a societal and capitalistic level, to show how screwed up the world actually is, it’s making you believe you have choices in life, but it’s forcing you unknowingly to do something that you would never agree with. If you had actual free will.




There are Monsters in the Dark