
Directed by Olivier AVELLAN


By the time she realizes the danger that has plunged the city into panic, it's too late to hope for escape. Despite her pregnancy, Claire will have to contend with a dense and agitated crowd, far too numerous to fit into the only remaining train.

Director Statement:

Here's my vision of the collapse, made with an original script and a new animation technique invented for the occasion, in order to maximize the freedom of staging while using as little time and material as possible. (basically: a computer, a simple tablet and a basic phone camera)
it's a panic film, anxiety-provoking, designed to shake the viewer up, to arouse his curiosity and perhaps make him react.
And especially to show how fast a collapse can occur, concern us directly, and how much we are not prepared and in denial.
Considering the emergency of the global situation, and the difficulty of getting people to react on this subject, I'm trying an experimental approach.

We can say that it's an eco-anxious film, and I hope those who have this feeling, will recognize it.
I also hope to contribute materialize this fear and therefore help to face it, talk about it and possibly evacuate it a bit, as it was the case for me.


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