Wander of light

Directed by Agata Zych


The film "Wander of Light" is a humorous and unique story inspired by the perspective of children on the world. Through a narration grounded in children's reactions, we see that one story can have many meanings and interpretations.
"Wander of Light" pays tribute to the authentic way of seeing the world, which often escapes us in adulthood.

Director Statement:

"Wander of Light" has social impact because it encourages empathy and understanding by showcasing diverse perspectives. We can witness the innocence and wonder of children world, which can help us to look at the things from different angle. It promoting a more compassionate and open-minded society.

It’s not only encouraging positive change in how we see and connect with others, but also highlighting the beauty of our differences. We are all unique, one of the kind ..and thats the true beauty of The Light story.


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