Find Your Rhythm

Directed by Claudine Grant


At first it was just us and nature, living in perfect harmony.

As technology advanced, we found ourselves drifting further from the natural world, consumed by the whirlwind of progress and the relentless pace of modern life.

"Find Your Rhythm" helps to restore our connection with nature and rediscover our essence. By slowing down, taking a moment to breathe, we can begin to restore the balance that has been lost.

Reconnecting with nature not only benefits us on a personal level, but also inspires positive actions towards preserving the environment and fostering a deeper connection with the world around us.

Director Statement:

My film, "Find Your Rhythm," is about reconnecting with nature in our fast-paced world. Sometimes, we easily get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget how peaceful and fulfilling it can be to spend time outdoors. Through the story, we show how easy it is to get lost in the chaos of modern life and forget the simple joys of being in nature. But by slowing down, taking a moment to breathe, and immersing ourselves in the beauty of the natural world, we can rediscover that sense of wonder and connection we felt in the beginning.
I believe that by spreading this message, we can help create a happier, healthier planet for everyone.


Dandakaranya (Forest of Punishment)


Wander of light