About tomorrow

Directed by Finn van den IJssel


Bente, a rising hockey player, has promised her best friend Hannah to join her to a climate protest tomorrow. When she gets the chance to make her professional hockey debut that same day, she is faced with a choice triggering long-suppressed emotions to come to the surface.

Director Statement:

About Tomorrow raises questions about and offers recognition for the social and emotional intricacies of Dutch youth that confronts the collapse of the world as they know it. It tells the story of young people that are confronted with an uncertain future, and shows how they deal differently with the climate and ecological crisis. Fight, flee, freeze, becoming cynical… but what happens when the jokes run out? It is clear that more and more people are seriously concerned, especially young people, to the extent that it has serious impact on mental health. I believe that, in addition to the hard work that needs to be done to build a new, sustainable and climate just world, it is crucial to make room for eco-emotions, like fear, anger and anxiety. Sharing our feelings may reveal our collective consciousness about this enormous crisis, perhaps allowing for even more political action for a sustainable and climate just future.


60 seconds


Dandakaranya (Forest of Punishment)