60 seconds

Directed by Özgen ZEYBEK


Aslı (35) is a single woman and lives a prosperous life with her two children. Her son Ege(5) is a spoiled boy who is attentive to his mother. Her daughter Eda(13) has an intensive anxiety about passing high-school entrance exams, and she is fond of playing the piano as well.

One night towards sunrise, an earthquake starts as Aslı makes Eda give up playing the piano and go to bed. Being highly affected from the earthquake Aslı and her children lose their house and go to a different city for living there. They go to Nazan's(40) house who is a close friend of Aslı. Being a married women with two children, one of whom disabled, Nazan opens her home to Asli and her children who are in a difficult situation.

Asli starts searching for a new job, new house and new school for her children in this process while staying at her friend's house. However things don't go well and they experience challenging times. After a while, Nazan's life order gets affected as well and she starts complaining about the situation. Asli feels desperate, she doesn't know what to do and finds herself in a predicament situation.

Director Statement:

We are watching how a single mother, who was living in good conditions with her two children, struggles to survive, by going to a different city when she loses her home and job after an earthquake. Throughout the short movie, we can clearly feel the difficulties, anxieties and efforts to hold on to life again in order to provide for the needs of her children and to establish her ordinary life from scratch. It is a movie that makes the whole audience ask the question “What would I do if it happened to me?' The film encourages everyone to consider the seriousness of the situation and take the necessary precautions to prevent such a disaster.




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