We can't see the sun

Directed by Tota Fernandes, i.e. Maria Antônia Fernandes

A community of earthworms is seriously threatened after the installation of a mining camp in its territory. As garbage can take a long time to decompose, they realize that they must unite to solve the root of the problem…

Director Statement:
The film was created by art students that wanted to create an impact on the world somehow. We chose to make an environmental and animal focused film so we could bring a light to some subjects, such as waste pollution and climate change and how it impacts the life of different groups of livings. We believe that showing the perspective of small animals, sometimes animals that we don't remember or don't even notice, such as earthworms, we could show that the changes made by humanity impact living beings that we don't care about on a daily basis, but without them our lives would not exist. And there are already several species of animals and planes extinct or facing extinction and catastrophes happening all over the world. So, the film became both a way of reinforcing that we need to take actions to preserve life on the planet, but not just ours, that of humans.


Water's struggle

