Water's struggle

Directed by Mattia Magni

The Suffering of Water is a project that unfolds mainly in Italian landscapes, straddling the language of documentary and the symbolic expressiveness of video art.
Water and its path are the key elements that move the narrative through their memories, which at a certain point as a whole reveal the very will of water, that is, finding its natural balance again.
The flow of water is told by following its changes and transformations, both natural and determined by human manipulation: starting from glaciers up to reach the seas and desert environments, passing into the heart of human frenzy, of which the cities are the clear manifestation of this. These environments show us how man interacts with nature, manipulating it and bending it in order to suit its purposes,
consequently altering its spontaneous course, through the Alpine dams, the power plants
hydroelectric, up to aqueducts and dams in southern Italy. The various infrastructures and inventions themselves harness enormous flows of electrical energy required in the world of
digital information, which characterizes the voracious contemporary era.
As the water travels, one imagines how it can return to take back its people spaces, retracing backwards and returning to the various final destinations back to its origin.
Nature somehow, when it stops being suffocated, slowly returns to re-establish themselves and recreate the original balance.

Director Statement:
My work aims to raise awareness of an environmental and social issue that is vital for us: Water.that is, an element that unites us, essential for life and for the ecosystem, which however is seriously threatened.
The subject was built on the element of water which contains not only what it transports physically, but also the metaphor of change. The key idea was to treat an apparently simple subject like water by ensuring that it acquires a voice and a leading role. In this project there is a reversal: what of usually surrounds the human figure, the landscape has become the main subject, which moves and dictates the direction of the narrative action.
Presenting water as a sentient being that suffers, is mistreated and suffers human action, giving voice to something that generally has none. Let him try viewer a strong sense of connection and empathy with it, but at the same time
arousing an emotion of discomfort which sometimes takes on the term "eco-anxiety", defined such as the feeling of imminent global ecosystem decline.
One of the main purposes of this work is to raise awareness, discuss and think about the effects of climate change and the impact on water resources, without express an unambiguous opinion, but report sensations and experiences.
Addressing climate change is a challenge that continually struggles against falling in stereotypes.
Through audio and video it is sometimes possible to show the non-visible and make it perceived, underlining what seems obvious and is so clear to everyone that it remains unnoticed.




We can't see the sun