Lest the flowers die

Directed by Nicolas Perot

Rome, Pigneto streets, 2023. After retrieving the ashes of Nina, a homeless woman who died months before, a young bartender and his boss organize a memorial in the small garden where she had always lived with her dog. After gathering some flowers, Nina's dog, and a musician, the small funeral procession arrives at the designated spot to discover with horror that, within a few months, the garden has been transformed into a construction site for a new condominium.

Director Statement:
In "Altrimenti muoiono i fiori" an invisible protagonist becomes visible only through the other characters' care towards her ashes and the place she used to live in, bringing to our attention invisibility and marginalization as central issues of our society.
The choice to analyze the life – and the death – of an "invisible" person was instead born out of the need to crystallize a story that can represent on a large scale any place in contemporary society.


There once was a boy

