
Directed by Dendane Ibrahim and Abbas Faycal

The film takes the viewer on a journey towards profound philosophical realms with the innocence imprinted by the lead child actress, Hanane Boukhatemi. It explores the dialectics of life and death, reason and unreason, questioning and answering through the lens of innocence.

Director Statement:
The film aims to convey a message about the exploration of profound philosophical concepts through innocence, embodied by the lead child actress. It delves into the dialectics of life and death, reason and unreason, prompting viewers to ponder existential questions. By intertwining innocence with philosophical inquiry, the film encourages reflection on the human condition and the pursuit of meaning in life. In terms of social impact filmmaking, it offers a unique perspective on universal themes that resonate with audiences, potentially fostering introspection and dialogue on existential issues. While not directly addressing a specific social impact topic, its exploration of fundamental aspects of human existence can prompt viewers to contemplate their place in the world and the interconnectedness of humanity.




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