
LAB 2024 Lorenzo Biferale LAB 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Aldo Buzio

Partner and programme manager at Ideazione srl and consultant on cultural projects, coach, tutor and trainer in various business creation and structuring projects. Founder of Associazione CRAFT ETS , a cultural organisation in Asti active in the field of contemporary theatre, cultural space management and local planning. Founder and project manager of Creativamente Roero, a network of artist residencies in the municipalities of Roero for cultural development.

Formerly contract professor in Project Management at the University of Valle d'Aosta and director of Turismo in Langa. Until 2017 coordinator of the Master in "Business for arts and culture" at IED Venice, currently lecturer in various courses on cultural design issues.

Coach and trainer at ILO International Training Centre on Masters in World Heritage (2006-16) and Management of Development (2020).

PHD in Cultural Heritage at Politecnico di Torino, degree in Communication Sciences and post-graduate degree in Cultural Projects for Development at ITC-ILO.

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LAB 2024 Lorenzo Biferale LAB 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Francesco Dragone

Francesco Dragone is a director, cinematographer, producer and video editor with more than 15 years of experience behind the camera. He has developed a deep knowledge of every sector of the audiovisual industry in both Europe and North America. His practical experience covers all production stages of an audiovisual product. Francis has directed international commercials, documentaries, short films, corporate and non-profit videos. Francesco's work has been recognized by universities, institutions and many industry professionals. Since 2021 he has been living and working in Turin where he collaborates with the cultural association elvira (founded by Beatrice Surano, Dunja Lavecchia and Morena Terranova) and is tutor of RUTA Summer Film School, the environmental-themed documentary school of which he has been an active organizer since the first edition.

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LAB 2024 Lorenzo Biferale LAB 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Tommaso Santambrogio

Tommaso Santambrogio is an Italian filmmaker. He lived and studied in between Milano, Paris, Roma, Firenze and La Habana and he worked with several internationally acclaimed directors, like Werner Herzog and Lav Diaz. His first short movies (The Last Scene and The Oceans Are the Real Continents) both premiered at the Venice Film Festival and were screened in many other important festivals all over the world, winning several prizes. Closing Time, his last short movie (2021), was presented at the 36° Settimana della Critica of the Venice Film Festival, and was shortlisted at the 2022 David di Donatello prizes. Taxibol (2023), his medium-length artwork starring Lav Diaz, had recently its world premiere at Visions du Réel and its North-American premiere at Telluride Film Festival; Oceans Are the Real Continents (2023), his first feature film shot entirely in Cuba, was presented at the 80th Venice Film Festival opening the Venice Days program. Santambrogio’s cinema deals mainly with the themes of identity, separation and memory, often focusing on the effects of post-colonialism on our societies; his filming style is characterized by an essential and poetic approach.

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FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Marina Mussapi

Marina has a decade of expertise in strategic consultancy and project management within the cultural sector. Her journey has been marked by a commitment to cultivating creativity, fostering social impact, and driving change in cultural institutions.

Having collaborated with renowned consulting firms in Italy and internationally, Marina honed her skills in strategic and business planning, market analysis, feasibility studies, and economic and social impact assessments. Her work spanned diverse cultural realms, from museums and theatres to festivals and grassroots organizations. From 2016 to 2022, she worked as a project manager and program developer at BASE Milano, being in charge of institutional fundraising, and educational programs. In her current role as Strategy Implementation Manager at the Moleskine Foundation, she coordinates the Creativity Pioneers Fund, a collaborative philanthropic fund that supports and champions organizations that harness the power of creativity to drive meaningful social change.

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FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale FESTIVAL 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Chiara Bellosi

Chiara Bellosi , graduated in dramaturgy from the Civica Scuola d'Arte Drammatica “Paolo Grassi” in Milan. Made an episode within the choral film “Checosamanca” produced by Carlo Cresto-Dina for Eskimosa and Rai Cinema. Participates in the master's program “Filmmaker - the documentary as a look” organized by IED-Venice and shoots some documentaries. “Palazzo di Giustizia,” his first fiction feature, was presented in the Generation 14+ section of Berlinale 2020. “Calcinculo,” his second fiction film, is presented in the Panorama section at Berlinale 2022.

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LAB 2024 Lorenzo Biferale LAB 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Davide Bracco

since September 2017: Responsible for the creation and management of the regional network of Film Commission Torino Piemonte

October 2008/August 2015: Director of the Film Commission Torino Piemonte,

January 2012/February 2014: vice president of the National Coordination of Italian Film Commissions

September 2006/October 2008: secretary general of the Film Commission Torino Piemonte

January 2000/June 2006: Secretary General of the Torino Film Festival and Member of the Young Cinema Association

Translated with (free version)

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LAB 2024 Lorenzo Biferale LAB 2024 Lorenzo Biferale

Paola Dubini

Paola Dubini is Management professor at Università Bocconi, and coordinator of the advocacy

group “Culture for sustainable development” ASviS. Her research and professional interests focus

on the conditions of economic viability of cultural organizations, private, public and no profit, and

on culture led policies according to UN SDGs 2030. She sits in the board of several cultural

organizations Her most recent publications include Dubini “Con la cultura non si mangia. Falso!”

Laterza 2018. Bertoni, Dubini. Monti “Participatory Event Platforms in the Urban Context: The

Importance of Stakeholders’ Meaning of “Participation” in De Martini et al “Cultural Initiatives for

Sustainable Development” Springer 2021; Dubini, P., & Monti, A. (2022). Essere luoghi di

comunità. L’importanza del fan club per le biblioteche. In: (a cura di) Faggiolani C., Geografie

culturali - Le biblioteche nel “Sistema del benessere”. Uno sguardo nuovo, p. 91-114, Roma,

Editrice Bibliografica. P. Dubini, & Monti, A. (2022). An Exploratory Study of State-Owned Museum

Performance in Italy: The Interplay between Director’s Characteristics and Board Diversity. In Jung, Yuha,

Neville Vakharia, and Marilena Vecco (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Arts and Cultural Management OUP

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